Clearing the Clutter
Picture this: a home where each item serves a purpose, and every space exudes a sense of calm. Minimalism, a lifestyle choice gaining momentum in today's fast-paced society, encourages us to strip away the excess and embrace only what truly adds value to our lives.
Doesn’t this sound glorious? A place for everything and everything in its place, that each item serves a purpose.
Personally, I am not there…..yet.
The week prior to Thanksgiving, I made a decision to not offer our prepared plant-based meals, which allowed us to spend several days not thinking about food. We heated items we found in the refrigerator or the freezer, no thinking involved. For someone who loves food, this was huge! The time away from the kitchen allowed me the time to begin organizing and rid our home of “things.” Since September, I’ve been pretending that we are “moving.” A game I’ve been playing in order to eliminate “things” that have made their way into our home which are no longer needed or were impulse purchases and never needed. I’ve also been holding onto pieces of furniture from my mom’s house, sold roughly four years ago, for sentimental reasons. The madness of holding on needed to stop.
I am happy to say that we were able to donate many, many items to our local thrift store as well as place items on Facebook Marketplace or in consignment shops. X-country skis anyone?
As we continue to minimize clutter and unwanted items in our home, I’d love to hear what tips or tricks that you utilize and, share with us your creative gift giving ideas, we’d love to share them with others.
Speaking of minimizing, we are in a season when gift giving is abundant, this season, consider gifting a meal or an experience that shows thoughtfulness and care. Whether it's a special plant-based dinner or a cooking class, our plant-based experiences are the perfect gift. We’ve had many folks purchase meals for others who love the thought of a home cooked meal without having to lift a finger as well as engaging in one of our barn dinners.
Stay tuned: next week, I’ll share with you a few of my favorite gifts.