Nature to the Rescue

Nature to the rescue

When I used to work at Plymouth State University as a Wellness Coordinator, there were days when students would stop by, stressed out, needing a listening ear. Other times, when we were working on programs our brains would be completely full of ideas yet sitting still, fleshing them out was not fruitful.

Numerous times, the student(s) and I would take a walk around campus or, if time permitted, into Langdon Woods which borders campus. Almost immediately, one would feel a sense of calm that nature brings. 

Thoughts often led to resolutions. Programming ideas became clear and oftentimes, we walked back into the building and were able to quickly create an outline.  

Nature has the ability to boost people's creativity, relationships,and physical and mental health. It restores focused attention and lowers our cortisol levels.

Recently, while working to plan weekly menus, generate marketing content and grading papers, I found that my mind was a jumbled mess and I was spinning the proverbial “wheels in my brain” yet going nowhere.

Nature to the rescue! 

Lacing up my sneakers, I was out the door and amongst the trees in moments. Breathing deeply and noticing all of the changes that spring was bringing forth. 

One does not need to walk very far to find nature’s treasures. My mind began to focus on the simplicity of my surroundings and my jumbled thoughts became clear.

Oftentimes, we tend to lose track of the simple. 

Remember the meal plans that I was working on? Due to my love of creating and cooking, I grow excited to try multiple ingredient sauces or meals. Time does not always allow for such things.

This week, I went back to the basics. By creating one basic cheese sauce, I could  add one or two ingredients each day to change its flavor profile. Simple. Quick. Delicious.

The next time that you find yourself “stumped” on a problem, head outside and I promise, your thoughts will become clearer.


Spring Cleaning


Stretch Your Mind!