Stretch Your Mind!

Do you ever have a song or statement that repeats itself in your brain and you can’t seem to dislodge it? You know exactly what I mean!
This last week, I have had the word Pandiculate repeating in my brain. Pandiculate was used in reference to an erg workout (indoor rowing machine). The coach was using the word in reference to our core muscles which we engage during our “swing or layback”.
Pandiculate means to actively engage muscles and when we are thinking about the muscles being used, we engage our brain.
Let’s use this word to incorporate more plants into our day.  We must actively engage muscles to slice, dice, chop and cook our meals. As you transition to consuming more plants, there may be a great deal of thought process taking place. I hear you!
Did you know, that on February 6th, I will be offering a free session on how to incorporate plants into your day? The session begins at 6:30pm
Sign up below and we will send you a Zoom link. And, so that you can have the word pandiculate stuck in your brain, say it out loud. I love the sound of it!

Let's Talk Plants!

Join me on February 6th 6:30-7:15pm EST
Easy Ways to Incorporate Plants

Please sign up here. Upon sign-up you will receive the Zoom link.


Nature to the Rescue


A Beginning